
Beach Park Vlugtenburg

Therapy-Holiday Set Up :

Families come to a Bungalow Park, that is well equiped for children and adults with special needs. Families stay in their own private bungalow with separate bedrooms and fully equiped kitchen, and therapists come to the bungalows of the families to provide therapy.

Parents, adult clients and therapists appreciate the private setting for therapies, the ability to cook their own meals, the constant feeling of being on a short holiday, and the possibility to bring an extra family member or friend of the family. After and in between therapy sessions, it is possible to get a breath of fresh air on the beach, take a walk in the dunes, and enjoy the environment during the intensive days of therapy. The Bungalow Park has special rental bikes for wheelchairs and rides on the beach.

Initially this new set up was created to be able to provide therapies in times of lockdown, and then has been evaluated by parents as best set up ever, even after the pandemic.

Feel welcome to join us! 

The Family Conference set up in short:

  • Therapists, parent(s)/children and adult clients and trainees all stay at the Beach Bungalow Park Vlugtenburg in ‘s-Gravenzande.
  • The therapy is provided in the bungalows of the parent(s)/children or adult clients, and some will be in special therapy bungalows. All bungalows are close to each other.
    • For all parent(s)/children, adult clients and trainees the bungalows are booked separately and are not included in the Conference Fees. You don’t need to book this bungalow; we will appoint a bungalow suited for your therapy and close by the main bungalows for therapy and assessments.
    • Therapists, parent(s)/children, adult clients and trainees prepare their own meals in their bungalows. Grocery stores are at the local village nearby, 10 minutes drive by car. At the Bungalow Park there is a small restaurant for snacks, lunch and dinner (not open on Tuesdays).